Saturday, April 17, 2010

As my notepad gets larger and larger.

To be able to read and write is one of the greatest privileges we have as human beings. I both have succumbed to the desire to, and relish in the opportunity to write, transcribe my thoughts, and wrestle with pen and paper, the struggles and victories of intellect, right living, and the pursuit of a better life.

I once consulted a very wise man, in a time of my life I didn't have much peace! What he told me I will never forget. As I poured out my heart and sought a wise word from him, he kindly said, "Its not that I know everything, but rather that in the course of my life, I've taken notes. Do you mind if we share notes?"

I'm so excited to start sharing my thoughts and experiences in written form with you all. It may be a bit obvious, but I covet your viewpoints on things. The ability to freely express and share your contrastive, like-minded, or opposing opinion is a wonderful thing.

Let the note-taking begin!

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